What to Expect

New Patient Procedures. New patients always have questions. We are here to help. Here’s what you can expect when you book an appointment at Mandurah Spine & Sport.

What’s going to happen?

We want our new patients to feel comfortable. To start, we ask you to complete our new patient form. We will also ask you some questions to find out as much information about your injury as possible. Our chiropractors will perform a targeted examination. Then, we want to see how well you can do key functional movements. And via palpation, we examine the injured area and other supporting structures. We will then assess and diagnose your problem to determine the best course of treatment.

Will I need x-rays?

It is not routine at our practice to x-ray every new patient. We use X-rays to rule out suspected serious conditions. Or, if you have had previous treatment that has not worked before. If you have previous x-rays or scans such as an MRI or CT then please bring them with you.

Will I get treated on the first visit?

If we do not need to examine you further, with your consent, treatment is likely to begin on the first visit. The number of visits you will need varies from person to person. It depends on the type of condition, the injury duration, and how well you follow the at home advice.

What treatment is used?

Our primary mode of treatment is manual adhesion release to the involved muscle, nerve, ligament or joint capsule. There is some manipulation of joints when indicated. We don’t click, poke or rub everything. Instead we focus on your biggest problem tissue at each visit. We test-treat-retest so that we know there has been improvement.

Have Questions? Let Us Assist You!

Reach Out at (08) 9518 1416 for Prompt Support!

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