What we do

We focus on treating musculoskeletal problems. We treat back painneck pain and headaches that people associate with chiropractors. And we also treat shoulderelbow, wrist, hipknee and ankle pain and problems.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain is the major reason patients present to our practice. We understand human anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. That is the key reason why we can treat lower back pain problems well. We stay up to date on current research on back pain. And apply what we learn to target treatment to the right area.

Other practitioners might get caught up in ‘stuck joints’, a ‘twisted pelvis’ or ‘weak glutes.” It is unlikely that these are the reason for your pain. Very often these problems only come about because your body is adapting because you are in pain. When you come in, we take a detailed history and do a thorough examination. We can determine if it is a disc injury, nerve irritation, joint or muscle problem. And from there, apply treatment accordingly or refer out if necessary.

Neck pain and Headaches

Neck pain and headaches are the second major reason why people attend our practice. It is important to know the current research when treating for these conditions. Neck pain and headaches can have many different causes, but it is very unlikely that it is because your neck is out. Some headache symptoms will respond very well to manual treatment and others not so well. The key to saving you time and money is to be able to determine what type of headache you have. If we can treat you, we will.

Shoulder pain

Shoulder problems like rotator cuff injuries, bursitis, supraspinatus or bicep tendon tears are common injuries. Knowing how each of your muscles work together helps with these problems. It is also important to correct the functional problems before anything else. Once fixed, you try to stretch or strengthen the shoulder so you don’t add to the problem.

Elbow pain

Medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow) and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) are overuse type injuries. Thneeduire a lot more than a simple stretch and tight brace to get better.

Hip pain

Hip pain is a very common problem and often can actually be the cause of lower back pain. We can manage problems such as a catch or a pinch in the joint itself, pain down the side when laying in bed, hip bursitis and ITB pain.

Knee pain

Knee pain can be a very frustrating problem to have. Simple stretching and strengthening exercises for the knee can help in management. With normal range established, stretching and strengthening can be re-incorporated.

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