Spine on foam roller

Foam Rolling Might Not Be That Helpful

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Have you ever wondered what foam rolling is doing to your lower back? Is it doing what you want it to do? Probably not. First of all, the action use of a foam roller puts a lot of stress on the bones and joints of your spine in a way they are not designed for. Also, the spinous process, the pointy bit at the back of each vertebra is not supposed to hold your body weight. And the joints of the spine are there for you to stand up straight.  It is not to have your body weight sheered across them.
The lumps that you are trying to ‘workout’ when you roll over them end up aren’t going anywhere. Instead, the foam rolling gets the lump pushed and squished further in the soft tissue of your back. You can see what happens when we roll over this lump of BlueTac. Even if we hold pressure on the spot, it pushes further into the tissue. Sure, you get that ‘good hurt, but the lump is still there the next time you use the roller.
At Mandurah Spine and Sport, we use a targeted form of soft tissue therapy.  Our method will break down and free up the lumps you’ve beating yourself up trying to deal with. We have you move while the muscle is under tension, and as a result, we can provide a very local stretch to the muscle.
If you want to find out we can do for you, click the link above and book in with Andy. Andy is a highly trained chiropractor here in Mandurah.


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